Articles February 2016
Zika Virus: The Insurance Perspective
The expanding presence of Zika virus in Brazil and Latin America and its recent incursion into North America demonstrate the changeable and unpredictable risks posed by infectious diseases. Read More
Articles January 2016
International Health Briefs - Preexisting Condition Exclusions Around the World and Application Language
The pre-existing condition (PEC) exclusion clause, long a staple of health insurance underwriting, has undergone a measure of change; this brief reviews PEC language and governance. 

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Visualization of Cervical Cancer Cells
Articles January 2016
Cervical Cancer Update 2016

Three-quarters of all cervical cancers are known to be caused by two types of human papillomavirus – HPV 16 and 183.  This article will look at assessment factors that need to be considered in product development, underwriting and clai...

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Articles January 2016
Critical Illness Insurance
Explore the history and intricacies of Critical Illness (CI) product development. CI definitions must be well-worded with clear claims triggers and kept current with medical science.  Read More
Articles January 2016
The Underwriter’s Role in the Product Development Process

This article explores how the underwriter's perspective can benefit the group product development process.

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Publications January 2016
ReFlections Volume 37, January 2016
Learn more about the intricacies of Critical Illness (CI) product development and review cervical cancer.
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Articles December 2015
Claim Volatility and Exposure Basis
This article compares group life and disability products and how their exposure basis and claim processes contribute to volatility and reinsurance decisions Read More
Articles December 2015
Asia's Senior Markets
Elders age 65 and above are fast becoming a dominant population in Asia, leading to rising incidence of hypertension, obesity, stroke and Type 2 diabetes. Read More
Image of Santa racing ahead of a large red bag
Articles December 2015
Bad Santa?

The holiday season provides an excellent opportunity to reprise a peculiar life insurance application that first arrived on our desks in 2015. How do you provide an accurate risk assessment of an elderly, obese, former smoker who flies experimental aircraft in danger...

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Articles December 2015
Takaful - The great potential in Nigeria
A growing economy, the issuance of guidelines and a sizable Muslim population mean that takaful has the potential to become a strong segment of Nigeria’s insurance sector. 
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Articles December 2015
Building Claimant Self-Efficacy to Improve Return-to-Work Outcomes

Many questionable disability claim durations are driven by claimant fear and misconceptions. Anxiety, feeling as if they have lost control over their lives, and being unfamiliar with and intimidated by trying to navigate disability and medical systems create needless...

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Articles December 2015
Advances In Medicine And Their Impact On Life Insurance
Medicine continues to develop at a rapid pace. This article explores these developments and their impacts on life insurance.  Read More
An African woman on a smartphone illustrates the opportunity of microinsurance
Articles December 2015
Digital Microinsurance: Extending Insurance and Enabling Market Development
Microinsurance, or insurance for the low income and mass market, is a fast-emerging financial service taking advantage of low current penetration rates and the increasing need to protect emerging consumers from financial shocks. This article explores the opportunities a... Read More
Videos December 2015
European Insurers and Social Media
RGA partner ITDS Business Consultants presented the first survey of European insurers’ use of social media. Read More
Graphic image showing data flows over a city, representing the valuation function
Articles December 2015
The Value of Managing Data
A key focus of the valuation function is the calculation of policy liabilities in respect of business that an insurer or reinsurer has on its books and to reserve appropriately to meet these liabilities.  This article explores the role of data in that tas... Read More
Light Bulb amid crumpled paper
Articles December 2015
Life Insurance and Its Product Development Trends and Key Findings from an RGA Global Survey

The survey shows that trends in the EMEA life insurance market aren’t much different than the rest of the world — but for one interesting difference. As elsewhere, insurers in Europe experience slow product development and could benefit from greater product support a...

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Rows of code out of focus
Articles December 2015
The Power of Big Data: An RGA Case Study on Credit-Based Data and Accelerated Underwriting
This article describes the use of big data in developing a credit-based model in the United States. 



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Articles December 2015
Solvency II Goes Live – Optimisation Is the Next Step After Implementation
Solvency II finally and irrevocably went into effect on January 1, 2016 after more than a decade. This article examines ways not only to comply but to thrive in this new environment. 
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Research and White Papers December 2015
Mergers and Acquisitions in the Global Life and Health Insurance Industry
The search for growth in a low interest rate environment, combined with excess capital and regulatory developments, has prompted insurers to seek inorganic growth opportunities. RGA investigates emerging drivers behind larger insurer deals. Read More
Articles November 2015
How European Insurers Are Using Social Media – And What They Should Be Doing
RGA partner ITDS Business Consultants presented the first European survey of insurers’ use of social media in 2015. This article explores the results based on a survey of 15 major European insurers from nine nations.  Read More