Cerebral Vascular Lesions
Articles May 2017
Cerebral Vascular Lesions

The complex anatomic structure of cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) can present both physicians and underwriters with many challenges, including correct diagnosis and classification, appropriate risk prognostication, and most important, selection of ap...

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HPV and Cervical Cancer
Articles May 2017
Cervical Screening and HPV Testing
Understanding the association between persistent cervical infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) and the development of cervical cancer is fundamental when underwriting cases where HPV is present. This article explores the latest research and relationship.<... Read More
Image of breast cancer screen
Articles May 2017
Risk Assessment of Non-Metastatic Breast Cancer in the Genomic Era

Underwriting breast cancer in 2017 will require an understanding of the current and growing role of genomics in the assessment of its mortality risk. The importance of genomics today is being seen in precision medicine: the increasing ability to predict the biologica...

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Research and White Papers May 2017
How Do You Bring New Insurance Products to Market?
At a time of changing customer demand, regulatory standards, and market pressures, how do insurers bring successful new products to market? A new Society of Actuaries (SOA) study conducted by RGA and LIMRA explores the trends. Following are highlights. An over... Read More
Publications May 2017
ReFlections Volume 41, May 2017
Learn more about breast cancer genomics, Arteriovenous malformations, and HPV testing.
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Articles April 2017
Insuring HIV
MTV launched, the space shuttle Columbia landed, and a notice from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.) reported a new and mysterious immune system problem appearing among men in the Los Angeles area. Read More
Articles April 2017
Innocents Abroad?

Greater freedom of movement has contributed to a rise in foreign death claims – and increased incidence of fraud.

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Articles March 2017
Opinion: Actuaries and the Growth Mindset
Only dancers who show the most improvement are selected to join the corps de ballet, and these may not necessarily be the best dancers. The ballet master is looking for the dancers who best respond to feedback—those who have a growth mindset. Read More
Articles March 2017
2017 Canadian Reinsurance Conference: Talkin’ ‘Bout Our REvolution …
One constant about the work we do is change. We work closely with our clients to evolve our paradigms in order to offer the products and services needed in a world that is changing rapidly on a variety of fronts. Read More
Articles March 2017
Why Facultative Matters

As we look ahead, the practice of underwriting is going to become more entwined with the application of new technologies and data sources. We will need to continually refine and integrate facultative underwriting expertise into these solutions to compete and succeed....

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Articles March 2017
Precision Medicine
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) defines precision medicine as “an emerging approach for disease prevention and treatment that takes into account individual variability in genomics, environment, and lifestyle for each person. Read More
Double exposure image of man experiencing virtual reality and the metaverse
Articles March 2017
Artificial Intelligence and Underwriting

Is underwriting like a still photograph, a movie, or virtual reality? Georgio Mosis of RGAx Asia shares a fresh perspective. 

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Illustration of multiple sclerosis
Articles March 2017
Mystery and Insurability: Unraveling the Challenge of Multiple Sclerosis
Despite decades of research, the exact causes of MS are still hotly debated, and so are the implications for insurers. MS has no ‘normal course’ of progression and no cure, so it is a difficult impairment to underwrite and price. Read More
Articles March 2017
RGAX Asia: Reimagine Insurance and the Future of Insurtech
Insurtech describes a fusion of insurance, health and wellness, and technology. It is an intersection on the innovation highway, a place where discoveries across multiple disciplines converge to enhance daily lives, even as they upend old business models. Read More
Articles March 2017
Brave New Approach
In disability claims management, we are continuously seeking to better understand the physical, psychological and social barriers that contribute to claimants' disabilities and prevent them from returning to work. Read More
Articles March 2017
A Score for All Seasons: Big Data and Credit Scores Bring Big Changes to Life Underwriting

Enter TransUnion TrueRisk® Life, a credit-based insurance score that models credit-based behavior and is predicti...

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Articles March 2017
Living to 100: The Insurance Perspective on Aging

RGA closely monitors advances in mortality and morbidity research that have the potential to significantly affect our clients.  Events such as the Society of Actuaries' Living to 100 Symposium provide a valuable opportunity to hear from key rese...

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Articles February 2017
International Health Brief - Bariatric Surgery
As bariatric surgery advances and becomes more common, it is increasingly being used as a quick-fix treatment for weight-related conditions. This article explores the type of patients who may benefit from bariatric surgery, provides an update on the various surgical tec... Read More
Articles February 2017
Valentine’s Day – Of Hearts and Love
It is February. A time when walking through shopping centres will see you assaulted by plush heart-holding-gorillas and heart-wielding sales assistants, all promising to solve your love woes with heart-shaped chocolates.  Read More
Graphic of microbiome
Articles February 2017
From Microbiome to Insurance Medicine: Exploring a New Frontier in Science
The billions of bacteria residing in the human gut, called “microbiota,” make up an invisible world scientists are only beginning to explore. These bugs might exert far more influence on morbidity and mortality – and insurance medicine – than we ever suspected. Read More