Articles December 2017
“I’m (Not) Just the Receptionist”

Lack of confidence is an anchor that can weigh you down when you are starting a job search or changing a career, especially when you are forced to do so because of a disability. It is also one of the leading causes of return-to-work claimant failures. Three job-searc...

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Articles December 2017
Insuring Asia’s changing senior markets
Asia’s senior market is transforming just as access to new data is expanding: how can insurers use these advances to prospect new markets, develop new products, increase operational efficiency, refine pricing and find future growth?
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Articles December 2017
Genetic Testing – What Does the Crystal Ball Really Reveal?

Knowing the basics of genetic testing and its underlying science is the first step in understanding genetic testing’s potential impact on insurance. Genetic testing is best defined as the analysis of DNA, RNA, chromosomes, proteins and metabolites in relation to heri...

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Articles December 2017
Insurance of the Future – Where are we going?

What disruptive forces will insurers need to confront to compete? And what changes are already upon us? A summary of the changes afoot and the transformations ahead, from consumer engagement and underwriting to claims.

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Articles December 2017
Fraud Doesn’t Take a Holiday

Here are a few fraud red flags to look out for this holiday season and throu...

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Articles December 2017
Key Strategies for Growth in the Impaired Lives Segment
Sticking with business as usual – that is, providing traditional risk mitigation products for low-risk populations – has been a tried and tested insurance strategy for years. Subsequently, in many markets, competition for healthy consumers is stiff, products are becomin... Read More
Articles December 2017
Future-Proof Underwriting: A Revolution in the Rules Engine and Automated Underwriting
Why AURA 15.x? 
  • Makes instant decisions on clean cases.
  • Enables underwriters to focus their attention on more complex cases.
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Reinsurance Trends: Illustration of businessman superimposed
Articles November 2017
Global Life Reinsurance Industry — A Brief Overview
The pendulum swings? Competitive intelligence suggests consolidation and declining growth rates that once defined global life reinsurance may be nearing an end.
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Articles November 2017
Banks Blazing a Path to Digitization for Insurers

As the life and health insurance industry scrambles to innovate in the insurtech space, the best opportunities for progress may also come by building on work that has already been done – in banking.

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Articles November 2017
New Thoughts on Insuring Long Term Care
Long-term care claims are triggered when policyholders are not able to perform two to three specified Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). RGAx asks if long-term care insurance can be developed to protect seniors long before ADL disabilities become apparent.  Read More
Articles November 2017
RGA: Where Logic Meets Curiosity: Careers in Data Science with Jeff Heaton

My professional and educational background is actually in computer science – I transferred from RGA’s IT department to the data analytics group in 2013. So I came into the data side of things by way of technology. I love math, and I love to solve puzzles. The math in...

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Articles October 2017
The Answer May Depend On How You Ask the Question: Application Language and Behavioral Science

While other companies may be trying to apply it to gain operational efficiencies, RGA in Asia is focusing on using BE in solution design.

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Articles October 2017
Something for the 99%: Creating value today for life insurance customers through microinsurance
Amid these advantages, one fundamental challenge remains: Each year, the percentage of customers actually receiving a monetary benefit from owning life insurance is extremely low. In fact, annual claim rates are typically measured per mille (thousand) rather than as a p... Read More
Articles October 2017
Predictive Analytics Takes Center Stage

At the Society of Actuaries (SOA) inaugural Predictive Analytics Symposium last month, RGA experts took a leading role in exploring the latest trends, tactics, and technology fueling the predictive analytics revolution.

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Articles October 2017
Focus on Your Essence, Delivering Value to Your Customers
Toronto has a beautiful Victorian-style city hall. Behind its tower, which is somewhat reminiscent of London’s Big Ben, you’ll see an impressive, powerful and modern glass building soaring skywards. Read More
Articles October 2017
Age Reductions in Group Life Insurance
With each passing month, it seems that more and more cases without age reductions or with requests to remove existing age reductions find their way into my inbox. A pang of apprehension accompanies approval of such cases as I ask myself if I signed RGA up for claims tha... Read More
Articles October 2017
History Repeats Itself in Physician Group Disability
First do no harm? RGA’s Tina Haertzen draws underwriting lessons from liberalizing physician benefit plans and rising claims. Read More
Articles October 2017
Robotics and Eldercare: The Future of Wellness and Insurance
Physical and mental care for ageing senior citizens is fertile ground for new technology solutions, including robotics. Read More
Work Related Disability: a worker on a worksite with head in hands
Articles October 2017
Work-Related Issues and Disability: A Challenge for Case Managers
Diagnoses of mental and nervous disorders are rising, work leaves related to these diagnoses are also increasing, and many of these disabilities involve a work-related issue, such as conflict with colleagues or a direct supervisor, work overload or performance issue. Read More
Articles October 2017
Global Trends: Surviving Cancer, Surviving the Cost of Cancer Care
In an era of rising cancer survival rates and costs of care, how can underwriters  help ease physical and financial suffering?  Read More