Green strip of DNA strands
Videos August 2018
Genetics and Risks of Anti-selection (Webcast 4 of 4)

Peter Banthorpe, Global Head of Research and Data Analytics at RGA, discusses the results of RGA’s research study with King’s College London and the implications for genetic anti-selection in protection insurance.

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Articles August 2018
How Demographics and Attitudes Impact Insurance Fraud
RGA is a proud member of the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud, America’s only anti-fraud alliance speaking for consumers, insurance companies, government agencies, and others. We invited Matthew SmithDirecto... Read More
Articles August 2018
All in the Family: Detecting and Preventing Community Fraud

Are you interested in learning the latest fraud tactics and prevention methods? Save the date for the RGA Fraud Conference, taking place August 18-20, 2019, in St...

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Articles August 2018
Opinion: The Lifetime Learner in Insurance Careers

Self-education is more important than ever. In the insurance industry, we must continually adapt to new technology, changing processes and evo...

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Vibrant mix of colored paint showcasing energetic market
Articles August 2018
Alive and Vibrant: Product Innovation in Response to Increasingly Complex Risks
Life reinsurers are evolving in response to new and more complex risks. Read More
Articles August 2018
Solving the microinsurance puzzle: Life insurance, Japan and distribution innovation

InsurTech is enabling microinsurance to become a growth area for Asia’s insurers. In this second article in RGA’s 2018 series on digital innovation in Asia Insurance ReviewShoichi Yokota of RGA Japan discusses the latest dev...

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Articles July 2018
Reinsurance - No Seven Year Itch: A Review of the Taiwan Insurance Market
Taiwan Retains a Majority of its premiums, with non-life ceding about 30% of its Premiums(31.4% in 2015 and 30.0% in 2016). followed by the personal accident and health segment with 1.5% and the life segment with 0.7% in 2015. Read More
Articles July 2018
Talk to me: How Personalized Persuasion Could Enhance Protection Offerings and Reduce Underinsurance
Did you know the human brain receives an estimated 11,000,000 bits of information per second through all our senses, but the conscious brain can only process about 40 bits per second?  We are continually being influenced in ways of which we are not consciously awar... Read More
Articles July 2018
Opinion: There has Never Been a Better Time to be a Minimalist...
While reading a financial newspaper in my Rio de Janeiro office, I came across an article describing the lifestyle of Andrew Hyde, a successful serial startup entrepreneur who had deliberately whittled his worldly goods down to 15 items. Read More
Articles July 2018
Heart-to-Heart: A Case Manager’s Guide to Heart Disease
Congestive heart failure has been with us for centuries and remains a leading killer, confounding physicians and case managers alike. ROSE® recently produced a webinar on this important topic featuring Lisa Smith, Advanced Nurse Practitioner with the Minneapolis Heart I... Read More
Wearables: Graphic of man manipulating a wearable device and viewing analytics
Articles July 2018
Wearable Technology in Life Insurance: Gadget or Gimmick?

Is the promise of wearable technology too good to be true? Inclusion of wearables in life insurance products to date has not matched the interest. But advances hold great promise. RGA’s Julianne Callaway explores the power and perils of these promising devices in Dig...

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Crowded Field of yellow flowers with single red tulip
Articles July 2018
Group Life Insurance Benefits Help Carriers Stand Out in a Crowded Field

How can group insurers stand out from the crowd? Select smarter services. RGA’s Jim Rathburn and Anil Sanwal outline four key questions insurers need to ask before adding any value-added service to employee benefits packages in

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Articles July 2018
Middle East Update: A Growing SME Market for Insurers
According to a 2016 study by, an online staffing and recruitment company specializing in the Middle East, SMEs currently account for 90% of registered companies in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region. A 2017 study by MENA Research Partners states t... Read More
Vaper blowing smoke in the distance
Articles July 2018
The Vape Debate: E-Cigarettes and Underwriting Risk

Smoking cessation has been a large contributor to improving mortality over the past few decades and tobacco use, amongst adults and teens, is at an all-time low. However, the trend of vaping and e-cigarettes has exploded. What are the implications for insurers?

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Articles July 2018
How can insurers build demand for life annuities… and what about the offer?
It should come as no surprise that increasing longevity poses challenges in countries with strong public pension systems. Spain, my native country, provides an excellent case study: streamlining the Spanish public pension system will be critical to safeguard its sustain... Read More
Research and White Papers July 2018
Liquid Biopsy: The RGA Perspective
Great hope (and perhaps hype) have also been generated, with claims of liquid biopsies becoming a game-changer primarily in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Driving this forward is significant large-scale investment5 in this new and rapidly developing t... Read More
Articles July 2018
Target: Transformation
In an industry undergoing dynamic change, RGAX is identifying the best paths forward for life insurers seeking sustainable success. Read More
Wearable Technology in Life Insurance: Woman checks devices
Articles July 2018
Wearable Technology in Life Insurance: Knowledge Is Power
Wearable technology has the potential to transform the life insurance industry by empowering insurers and insureds alike with valuable health knowledge.

Contact RGA's research team to learn more about wearables and digital insurance. 

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Visual of DNA symbols and double helix
Videos July 2018
Be Kind to Your Genes: An Insurance Perspective on the Fast-Growing Field of Epigenetics

Eat your vegetables. Stay active. Avoid smoking. Keep out of the sun. Patients have been hearing this good advice from their doctors for a long time. Now, researchers are uncovering new evidence that our lifestyle choices can measurably influence mortality risk ...

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Articles July 2018
How Liquid Biopsies Could Transform Insurance Medicine
Cancerous tumors shed whole cells or tiny bits of DNA and other genetic material into the bloodstream and other bodily fluids. This allows clinicians to potentially analyze blood samples to detect a tumor's unique mutations and offer a personalized treatment regimen, al... Read More