Group of sprouts
Articles January 2019
The Role of Persuasion and Behavioral Economics in Insurance
Digital transformation is at the top of most carriers’ agendas. But as life insurance sales move from the adviser to online channels, are we forgetting the science of persuasion? RGA's Matt Battersby explores the issues in Read More
Articles January 2019
Opinion: The Business Case For Underwriter Participation in Associations and Conferences

Are you interested in volunteering? Consider opportunities at these websites to learn more: 

  • On the Risk -
  • The Academy of LIfe Underwriting - 
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Diabetic sticks finger to measure blood sugar
Articles January 2019
Let's Help More People With Diabetes Get Life Insurance

While improved understanding of diabetes has extended lives around the globe, rising incidence poses a growing challenge. How should insurers incorporate technology and data-driven insight to develop products? RGA's Dan Lyons and Neill Muller discuss the consideratio...

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Child eating vegetables and consumer engagement
Articles January 2019
Mind Your Manual (and Eat Your Vegetables)
RGA's Tina Haertzen shares a new year's resolution for group insurers in Group Insurance Insights: maintain pricing discipline (and eat your vegetables!).
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Compass around map
Articles January 2019
Digging Into Your LWOP Block

Group insurers can unearth significant reserve savings by focusing more attention on their life waiver of premium (LWOP) block of claims. A 2018 RGA survey of 30 major group disability carriers in the United States and Canada reveals compelling insights into simple w...

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genetics with chemical formula and test tubes
Articles January 2019
The Time Is Now: Genomics and Genetic Testing
The life industry finds itself at an inflection point as insurers come under growing pressure to position themselves to embrace genomics and genetic testing. Best's Review explores the underwriting implications of rapid advances in genom...
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Heart balanced against the brain
Articles January 2019
Opinion: Intelligent Robots and Emotional Clinicians: What Still Matters In The Doctor Patient Relationship
With advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence coming with increasing speed, could the basic human component of clinical medicine – the relationship of the patient with the doctor and other clinicians providing services – be in danger of obsolescence? RGA... Read More
Tablet showcasing Electronic Health Records (EHRs)
Articles January 2019
Electronic Health Records – Are We Now In Prime Time?

When it comes to Electronic Health Records (EHRs), for some time now life insurers have wondered when or if EHRs would become a reality. This is no longer in question, and RGA's Sue Wehrman now explores the question of how the industry will use this new technology.

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Collage of lab worker and DNA
Articles January 2019
The Relationship Between Iodine and Thyroid Function/Dysfunction

In this issue of ReFlections, RGA's Lund and Wu explore the relationship between iodine and thyroid disorders, the updated clinical risk classification of thyroid cancer stages, and the possible impact of these changes on the insurance industry.

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Graphic of Artificial Intelligence and binary code
Articles January 2019
How to Teach a Machine: Artificial Intelligence and Insurance
Can you teach a machine to learn? The future of insurance – and many other industries – may rest upon the answer. RGA's Jeff Heaton discusses the promise of AI ... and the limitations. Follow Jeff on Read More
Image of circular staircase
Articles January 2019
A New Twilight Zone? RGA Explores Underwriting Occupations of the Future

Rod Serling has nothing on RGA’s Melissa Tilford and Mary Johnson. These experts explore the jobs of the future and the implications for today's group underwriters.

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Collage of lab worker and DNA
Publications January 2019
ReFlections Volume 46, January 2019
In this issue, explore topics from iodine and thyroid disease to A.I. and Electronic Health Records.
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brain in a lightbulb illustration
Articles December 2018
Behavioral Science and Insurance: Part Two
There are few industries in the world where behavioral science can have more positive impact than the life and health insurance industry. But how do you get started? RGA's Matt Battersby shares two approaches in the second half of his wide-ranging overview of behavioral... Read More
Thinking man on ladder figure
Articles December 2018
Behavioral Science and Insurance: Part One

Now is the time for life and health insurers to apply behavioral science to help solve problems, such as underinsurance, inaccurate disclosures, and unhealthy lifestyles. RGA behavioral scientist Matt Battersby explores why people make the decisions they do -- and wh...

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Family in silhouette gazing into the distance
Articles December 2018
Innovation – Through the Eyes of Actuaries

“Where will we see the most innovation in the life insurance industry in the next three years?”  RGA's Jared Godwin asked this question at the annual conference of the Actuarial Society of South Africa. The answers are illuminating. 

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Articles December 2018
Navigating ERISA Regulations for Disability Claims
In the US, effective April 1, 2018, the US Department of Labor (DOL) passed updated regulations for employer-sponsored benefit plans subject to ERISA (the Employee Read More
Glasswalled conference room and business meeting
Articles December 2018
The Substantial Impact of Taxes under Solvency II: Can Reinsurance help?
The consideration of taxes in the context of Loss Absorbing Capacity of Deferred taxes (LAC DT) can reduce the SII capital requirements substantially. Under certain circumstances effective use of reinsurance offers some advantages, and this article explains how this can... Read More
Articles December 2018
Middle East Update: Understanding Takaful
RGA's Tamer Saher offers a cogent analysis of the current USD$20 billion takaful market, including its evolution and current state. Read More
Doctor analyzes EKG results
Articles December 2018
Better Underwriting Decisions are Just a Heartbeat Away
Technological advances in biosensors and increasing amounts of heart rate data from wearable devices and electronic health records are leading to the development of more sophisticated underwriting algorithms. This data, when coupled with robust epidemiological evidence ... Read More
Asthma: Woman reaching for inhaler
Articles December 2018
Asthma and New Effective Treatments
Asthma affects individuals differently. Consequently, one treatment does not fit all. This article looks at traditional methods of managing this disease, as well as describing some of the newer medications being used, and possible alternative treatments that are current... Read More