Take10 Podcasts

This series of Take10 conversations has been created for claims assessors managing death claims. In this series we explore 4 different topics, designed to provide guidance on the management of those, sometimes tricky, death cases.


A Quiet Truth: A discussion on death by suicide and the burden of proof

During this discussion, Anchen Winkel, Senior Claims Consultant, RGA South Africa, and Basil Rajah, Legal Counsel to RGA South Africa, examine common characteristics of suicide claims and discuss the analysis of evidence and burden of proof.


The Gray Zone: A conversation about accidental death claims

Marjorie Corvalan, Senior Counsel, RGA International Division, and Gayle Kanchanapume, Executive Director, RGA Global Claims, explore a case study and discuss, when is an accident, not an accident?


Building Grief Literacy: How we can communicate with those processing traumatic loss

RGA’s Gayle Kanchanapume interviews Amanda Trotter, Business Development Manager with Griefline Australia to understand complicated or traumatic grief and learn more about how we process trauma and loss.


The Many, Many Ways to Die: A conversation about finding answers and what the dead can tell the living through the forensic pathology process

RGA’s Gayle Kanchanapume interviews Professor Ryan Blumenthal, to understand the work of a “Medical Detective’ in the world of forensic pathology.