Take10 Podcasts

Take10 is a series of 10-minute conversations created for claims adjudicators and case managers assessing disability income claims. The series explores several important topics and their impact across the various dimensions of claims assessment, including product, case management, medical and rehabilitation considerations.


The Nuts and Bolts of Ensuring a Sustainable Product

RGA’s Marilda Kotze, Vice President and Head of Global Claims, and Gayle Kanchanapume, Executive Director, Global Claims, Value Added Specialist, talk about the intent of disability income products and some of the key challenges in managing claims.


A Balancing Act – Gathering Claim Evidence

Jayshree Ramjee, Senior Claims Consultant for RGA South Africa, and Gayle Kanchanapume, Executive Director, Global Claims, Value Added Specialist, examine the importance of tailoring claim requirements and getting the balance right.


Is It All About the Medical Condition?

Linda Winterbottom, Claims Rehabilitation Consultant, and Gayle Kanchanapume, Executive Director, Global Claims, Value Added Specialist, explore the importance of understanding biopsychosocial factors and their impact on the management of disability income claims.


Can We Talk?
Tele-interviewing at Claim Stage

Belinda Thorpe, Head of Claims, Africa and the Middle East, and Gayle Kanchanapume, Executive Director, Global Claims, Value Added Specialist, explore the use of tele-interviewing as a claims assessment tool and share some tips on how to prepare for conducting a claims tele-interview.


Chronic Pain: Body or Brain?

Associate Professor Newman Harris, Consultant Psychiatrist, Specialist Pain Medicine Physician and Consultant CMO at RGA Australia, and Gayle Kanchanapume, Executive Director, Global Claims, Value Added Specialist, discuss the presentation of chronic pain and advice for claims adjudicators managing claims arising from chronic pain conditions.


An Invisible Illness: CFS and Fibromyalgia

Dr. Adela Osman, Chief Medical Research Officer for RGA South Africa, and Gayle Kanchanapume, Executive Director, Global Claims, Value Added Specialist, discuss chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia and share some advice for claims adjudicators managing claims arising from these conditions.


Helping Hands – Planning for a Successful Return to Work

RGA’s Marcella Vega, Claims Rehabilitation Consultant and Gayle Kanchanapume, Executive Director, Global Claims, Value Added Specialist, explore the claims adjudicator’s role in supporting a customer’s safe and sustainable return to work.


Looking Ahead: A Discussion on Managing “Change of Definition” Claims

RGA Senior Disability Claims Consultant Jill Underhill and RGA Director, Claims Consultant Kari Briscoe along with Gayle Kanchanapume, Executive Director, Global Claims, discuss a best-practice, proactive approach to managing claims impacted by a “change of definition” clause.


Long-term Opioid Use: Dependence, Addiction, and the Impacts on Claims Management

RGA’s Dr. James Kim and Gayle Kanchanapume talk about the rising incidence of opioid misuse and abuse in patients with a chronic disability or pain disorder and explore how it affects disability income claims management.