image of multiple sclerosis
Articles September 2014
Advances in Multiple Sclerosis
Perhaps no other field of neurology has seen as rapid and promising developments as multiple sclerosis (MS). This article examines emerging treatments and insurance considerations.  Read More
Articles September 2014
Infectious Diseases in An Increasingly Globalized World
Is there just more news of infectious disease outbreaks today, or are they actually increasing in frequency? Confronting these questions requires a look at factors that drive the emergence and international spread of infectious diseases.  Read More
A man clutches his chest
Articles September 2014
Sudden Cardiac Death Without Warning

Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is the most common cause of death in Western countries. This article explores the Brugada syndrome and ECG signatures of occult syndromes that have the potential to induce...

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Research and White Papers August 2014
General Aviation Experience in the United States
General aviation refers to all flight by non-commercial airline carriers. There are roughly 600,000 certified general aviation pilots in the United States. Accident experience over the period from 2002 to 2012 was analyzed. This article examines the... Read More
Articles August 2014
Voluntary Products, Underinsured Markets and Asia
RGA discusses the benefits of voluntary products for employee, employer, broker and insurer. Read More
Publications July 2014
Global Claims Views: Suicide - Global Insights and Insurance Analysis
RGA undertook to analyse suicide rates before and after the 2008 financial crisis. This article reveals our findings.  Read More
Articles July 2014
​Anatomy of Homicides - An Overview
This article attempts to address the impacts of homicide trends on life insurance claims.  Read More
Research and White Papers July 2014
Suicide - Global Insights and US Insurance Analysis
Suicide is a tragic fatality that affects millions of families worldwide each year. In addition to the nearly 1 million fatalities, it is estimated that 20 times as many people are injured by attempted suicide. These suicide attempts, while not fatal, often re... Read More
Articles June 2014
Opinion: No Fork Required - An Australian Traveller in Asia’s Insurance World

Life insurance has been sold in Asia for the last two centuries. Initially, the market consisted of multinational American and European companies, selling mostly to expatriates, with domestic insurers entering later and focused more on the local populations. Reflecti...

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Professional workplace
Articles June 2014
Survey Provides Glimpse Into Underwriting Organizational Structures and Quality Assurance Programs
One of the services that RGA offers to its clients is an underwriting operational review. This review is designed to look at the underwriting process -- from request for quote, risk analysis, proposal, through sold case, renewal and, finally, quality assurance. Read More
Image of individuals looking at cape town skyline
Articles June 2014
Opportunity Rising in Africa: New Life Insurance Opportunities in an Emerging Market
Several emerging economy countries with large and growing populations also contain rising middle classes and significant GDP growth rates and are moving swiftly towards becoming developed economies. Read More
Graphic Representing streams of data over a large city
Articles June 2014
Data Is (Still) BIG

Mobile phone companies use it to predict which of their customers are likely to buy a new data plan or cancel an existing data plan. Financial services companies can use it to detect fraudulent transactions or the likelihood of default on a loan or mortgage. 

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Research and White Papers May 2014
Capital, Cash, Shareholder Value and Active In-force Management
A strategic focus on cash generation and improving capital contributions from in-force business blocks is an absolute necessity for today’s life insurance companies. Read More
DSM manuals line a shelf
Articles April 2014
Testosterone Deficiency

Testosterone testing is on the rise in the U.S. and United Kingdom. Some of this rise is probably related to the increasing awareness of the symptoms of testosterone deficiency (TD) among males. This article explores the science and the underwriting implications...

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DSM manuals line a shelf
Articles April 2014
Thyroid Tests and Cancer Follow-Up
This article explores thyroid cancer treatments and underwriting implications.  Read More
DSM manuals line a shelf
Articles April 2014
The publication in May 2013 of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth edition (DSM-5) engendered significant controversy. In this article, RGA reviews many of the major changes that will be of interest in underwriting, compar... Read More
Articles March 2014
Around the World: Banning Protection Commissions – the Netherlands Experience
Did a commission ban in the Netherlands damage the market? Rijn van der Linden says not and draws some parallels with the United Kingdom. Read More
Articles February 2014
A “Nudge” for Wellness

In the ongoing quest to manage claims costs, insurers across the globe have put a lot of effort into improving their underwriting, administration and forensic capabilities. The successes over the past few years of wellness programs, however, shows there is a...

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A worker wearing a hard hat and performing checkouts
Articles February 2014
...but it's not Work Comp!
Studies have found that non-subscribing employers are more incented to promote workplace safety than work comp policyholders.This article explores the advantages of occupational accident insurance and contrasts this product with workers' compensation.  Read More
Articles January 2014
Wellness: Is it All in the Game?
Gamification is on the increase as companies look to make wellness programmes more attractive to their users.  
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