Product Solutions
  • Articles
  • November 2016

Insuring Asia, Product Design and Customer Segmentation: The young, the old and the very rich

Street scene showing Asian elderly and youth
In Brief
Mr Michael S. Shin, CEO, RGA Korea, looks at the demographic trends shaping Asia and the need for insurers to adapt their solutions to the tech-savvy millennial, high net worth individual and the senior.

Several trends – economic, demographic, technological and more – are ramping up complexity in Asia’s many markets, sparking demand for a fuller range of savings, living benefits and protection products. RGA’s Michael Shin, CEO, RGA Korea, discusses these profound changes and rising protection needs.  

Reprinted with permission of The Asia Insurance Review (AIR)

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Meet the Authors & Experts

Michael Shin
Michael Shin

Chief Executive Officer, RGA Korea; Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer, Asia Pacific


Reprinted with permission of The Asia Insurance Review (AIR)